We are driven to find the best products and services that we can. This means trawling through the wide range of alternatives, comparing items, looking at specifications and considering real world use. This was the case even before we started TheBest.co.uk, in fact it used to drive our partners crazy, until we found a useful outlet for our obsession and a way to help others get the best, without having to go through the same efforts.
We have exacting standards. We won't settle for the first option that looks good enough. Every last detail counts.
We love well designed products, form is nice but function is better! We like products and services that are reliable and long-lasting, ideally repairable, sustainable and just great. We will rarely choose the cheapest and we will only occasionally choose the most expensive. Where we do it will be a justified expense, not because it is the latest fad or it has fancy looks.
Once we've made our selections we try and provide you links that allow you to purchase it now. Where possible we do this using referral links that may pay us a rebate. However, we never let the rebates available influence our choices.